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Fear vs Knowing

The world, and your country is in the midst of a great transition right now. You can choose to be afraid; or curious. If you are afraid it means you have latched onto some perceived outcome that you cannot know is true in this moment. We are not saying to let go of discernment, and logical thinking. We are saying not to allow yourself to give into fear. In the coming years there will be great shifts, and perhaps the shifts will not be to one’s liking, but sometimes the energy of the shadow must be seen in the clear light of day; then one can deal with the reality of life, not the illusion. Hold fast to your inner knowing of what is True for you. This is the guiding light that you must follow. There is too much noise on all sides not to go into your mind body, heart and sit with yourself and FEEL what is true, not just think you know what is true. There is always that voice, that very quiet voice, if listened to, which will reveal the truth. If you are feeling anything other than clarity, peace, and calm inside, you are not in alignment with your higher truth/energy, and what you’re thinking and feeling is not an open-hearted, truthful place, and cannot serve yourself nor the world.

Many in your world see anger as power, it can be powerful, yet it is not sustainable. Anger/fear is in an inferior energy. It will never build up the country and its people, it will ultimately fail, for power out of fear and anger is not a foundation on which something lasting can endure. Anger created out of fear is weakness, it is a false power.

Fear comes in many forms; hatred, cruelty, judgement, demonization of “others,” and you are seeing the fear being masked as righteousness. Don’t give into the fear that arises, no matter the form it takes. It is false and weakens one’s mind, body and Spirit. Stay strong in your connection to the Self, to That which is bigger than your egoic self. The Shadow ego is always fearful.

The Self is always open, wise and awake. Stay awake.

Alexis Cunningham 11/3/2022


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